Profile Emil Dardak, Deputy Governor Of East Java And His Career Travel As A Young Politician

YOGYAKARTA - Emil Dardak, Deputy Governor of East Java, is in the public spotlight after his office was searched by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The KPK also examined the office of the Governor of East Java to investigate the investigation of a grant fund corruption case carried out by the Deputy Chairperson of the East Java DPRD, Sahat Tua Simanjuntak.

Before this incident, Emil Dardak's name was quite popular. Apart from his handsome face, Emil Dardak also served as regional head at a young age, namely since the early 30s.

The name Emil Dardak is increasingly recognized after marrying artist Arumi Bachsin. In addition, said Darak, many people know. H. Mochamad Dardak, the grandfather of Emil Dardak is one of the great kyai of Nahdlatul Ulama. Meanwhile, his father named Hermanto Dardak is Deputy Minister of Public Works.

Emil Dardak was born in Jakarta on May 20, 1984. The man who is currently 38 years old is married to a celebrity named Arumi Bachsin. From the results of their marriage, they have two children, namely Lakeisha Ariestia Dardak and Alqeinan Mahsyirputro Dardak.

Emil Dardak's education as a child was pursued at SDN 03 Cipinang Melayu, Jakarta until graduating in 1994. After graduating from elementary school, he continued his studies at SMPN 109 Jakarta and graduated in 1997.

Emil Dardak has been active in his activities and made achievements when he was a teenager. During junior high school, Eil was once an Indonesian representative for the Scientific Conference of Students throughout Asia held in Tokyo in 1997-1998. In addition, Emil was also elected as the 1st winner of model students throughout DKI Jakarta.

Emil continued his high-middle-level education at the Raffles Institution Singapore High School in 1997-2000. In 1998-1999 Emil was independent. He was able to get an ASEAN SMA Raffles Institution Singapore.

Graduated from high school, Emil continued his diploma degree education at the Melbourne Institute of Business Technology (MIT) Australia in 2001. Emil then continued his bachelor's degree at the University of Wales in England in 2003 with a scholarship program. He took undergraduate and doctoral education at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Japan in Economy in 2004-2006 with a scholarship program. After that, he continued his master's degree at the University of Oxford UK English in 2013-2016.

Emil Dardak has won a number of awards in his professional career. Several achievements were achieved both at the national and international levels.

Emil Dardak entered politics armed with insights from his education and various national and international level experiences. Emil entered politics in 2015 as Regent of Trenggalek. He led Trenggalek in the 2015-2019 period.

Emil was elected to lead Trenggalek with his representative, Nur Arifin. They advanced to be promoted by 7 political parties, namely the Democratic Party, the National Mandate Party, the Golkar Party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, the Indonesia Raya Movement Party, the United Development Party, and the People'spologies Party.

Emil managed to garner votes as much as 76.28 percent or 292,248 votes. Emil and Deputy Regent of Trenggalek were sworn in on February 17, 2016. At that time he and his deputy were listed as the youngest pair of regents and vice regents.

Emil entered politics in 2015 under the auspices of the PDI-P Party. However, in 2018, he changed his flag by joining the Democratic Party. In the 2018 elections, Emil Dardak ran with Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the former Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, in the East Java Pilkada.

Khofifah and Emil were elected as Governor and Deputy Governor of East Java thanks to 53.55% of the vote. The pair won the contest with the support of 6 supporting parties, namely the Democratic Party, Golkar Party, NasDem Party, PPP, PAN, and Hanura Party.

That is the profile of Emil Dardak, Deputy Governor of East Java. Currently Emil is still accompanying Khofifah to become the leader of East Java until the end of her term of office in 2024. In addition, Emil also serves as Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the Democrats of East Java.

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