Benjamin Netanyahu Calls Successfully Make A Deal To Create A New Government

Israeli-elected prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday he had secured an agreement to form a new government, after weeks of unexpected tough negotiations with far-right and religious coalition partners.

"I have succeeded (forming a government)," Netanyahu said on Twitter, minutes before the midnight deadline set by President Isaac Herzog.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for President Herzog confirmed that Netanyahu's statement had been received.

Partai Likud konservari Netanyahu dan partai-partai religa-nasionalis yang berpikiran dekat dengan komunitas pemukim ultra-Ortodox dan Bank Barat, memenangkan mayoritas yang nyaman dalam pemilihan 1 November, menjanjikannya 64 dari 120 kursi parlemen.

However, the agreement to form a government is restrained by disputes over proposed bill packages on issues ranging from planning authorities in the West Bank to the ministry's control over police.

The new government, which Netanyahu now has to attend within a week, will take office after a year that has witnessed the worst level of violence in the West Bank in more than a decade, with more than 150 Palestinians and more than 20 Israelis killed.

A stable government will be the departure from a period of upheaval, which has made Israelis go to polling stations five times in less than four years. But the weeks-long dispute has made it clear that the coalition may still face significant internal tensions.

Its composition as well as proposals that would give parliament greater powers to overturn court decisions, have also raised concerns in Israel and abroad. Critics see threats to the independence of the justice system.

The inclusion of the Itamar Ben-Gvir hardline from the parties of the ultranationalist Jewish Forces and Bezalel Smotrich from the far-right Reigius Zionism party has shocked Palestinians and Israeli liberals.

Both oppose Palestinian statehood and support the expansion of Israel's sovereignty to the West Bank, adding another obstacle to the two-state solution, a resolution supported by Palestinian leaders, the United States, and European governments.

Ben-Gvir will serve as security minister, under the authority of police, while the Pro-Pemukim Smotrich party will have control over planning in the West Bank, granting him broad power over the lives of Palestinians and opening doors to expanding Israeli settlements.

Ben-Gvir also wants to take greater direct control of police, with laws that would give him direct authority over policy issues usually decided by police commissioners.

Netanayhu said he would eventually set Israeli policy and had pledged to rule in the interests of all citizens in Israel. Veteran leaders, who returned after serving a 15-year record at the top office, were tried on corruption charges he denies.