Accueil > nouvelles Cianjur Residents Disbanded Their Homes Because Of The M 2.9 Earthquake 21 Desember 2022, 17:02 An employee of the Cianjur Diskominfo Office, West Java, ran out of space because he felt strong earthquake vibrations, Wednesday (21/12/2022).(ANTARA/Ahmad Fikri). Tag: gempa cianjur cianjur jawa barat nusantara bpbd Nouvelles connexes : | NOUVELLES Prabowo: RI Ready To Provide Support For The Recovery Of The Myanmar And Thailand Earthquakes | NOUVELLES Ukraine Cannot Withdraw From Mineral Deal With US | MUSIK Annoying Old People In The Music Industry, Buyers Introduce Single Debut Watching ET On The Plane | ÉCONOMIE Menteri PU Klaim Mobile Reader Bantu Pemudik yang Kekurangan Saldo Uang Elektronik | OTOMOTIF What Should Be Done If The Brakes Are Blong On The Car? Here Are Some Solutions | ÉCONOMIE BI Records Foreign Capital Entering The Republic Of Indonesia Until The Fourth Week Of March Reaches IDR 1.93 Trillion