Participants Of The 2024 General Election, KPU Fix 17 National Parties And 6 Acehnese Local Parties

The General Election Commission (KPU) has officially designated 17 national political parties and 6 local Aceh political parties as participants in the 2024 General Election. This assurance is based on the Decree (SK) of the General Election Commission (KPU) Number 518 of 2022.

"Political parties participating in the national election have set 17 political parties and local political parties in Aceh for the DPRA and DPRK elections, there are 6 political parties," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asyari while chairing a press conference after the completion of the National Pleno Recapitulation Meeting on the Verification Results and Determination of the 2024 Election Prospective Political Party, at the KPU Building, Wednesday, December 14, quoted from the official website of the KPU.

This information is important considering that the next year will be an important time for election preparation. Dissemination of information about elections is needed. For this reason, elements related to the democratic party event need press release services to inform the public about the latest developments.

In the announcement, KPU members August Mellaz, Betty Epsilon Idroos, Idham Holik, Parsadaan Harahap, Mochammad Afifuddin and Yulianto Sudrajat were also present.

Hasyim explained that the determination of political parties as participants in the 2024 General Election was in accordance with the mandate of Law (UU) 7 of 2017. In this provision, it is stated that the determination of political parties participating in the election must be carried out 14 months before the voting day.

Hasyim continued, after this determination, the political parties participating in the 2024 General Election will then attend the Open Pleno Meeting for Reduction and Determination of the Presidential Number of the Political Party for the 2024 Election which will be held on the same day.

In this process, to note based on the requirements of the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 1 of 2022, for political parties participating in the 2019 Election which have met the parliamentary threshold, it has the option to continue using serial numbers in the 2019 Election. However, it is also permitted to return the serial number to the KPU to participate again in the draw process.

"For political parties that have seats in the DPR RI, we have prepared a statement letter, whether to use serial numbers in the 2019 Election or to participate in the draw. If you participate in the draw, the serial number will be returned to the KPU and drawn and later we will determine it," said Hasyim.

The political parties participating in the 2019 Election, which did not pass the parliamentary threshold and the new party, must follow the procedure in the form of draw for the serial number.

Furthermore, the 17 national parties that have been designated as election participants are the following. Namely, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI Perjuangan); Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS); Partai Persatuan Indonesia (Perindo); Partai NasDem; Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB); Partai Kebangkitan Nusantara (PKN); Partai Garda Perubahan Indonesia (Garuda); Partai Demokrat Rakyat Rakyat Indonesia (Gelora);Partai Hati Pengyakit Rakyat (Hanura); Partai Gerbangan Indonesia Raya (Gerindra); Partai Kebangkitanan Bangsa (PKB); Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI); Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN); Partai Kelak Karya (Golkar); Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP); and the Labor Party.

Then, there were an additional 6 Acehnese local parties, including the Aceh Prosperous Justice Party (PAS Aceh), the Aceh Generation Party Beusaboh Thaat and Taqwa, the Aceh Darul Party, the Aceh Nanggroe Party, and the Sira Party (Aceh People's Independent Solidity).

So, to facilitate the publication of information about election preparations to the public, it is better to use the service of writing press releases through publication. That way, all important information is conveyed to the public in fact and trusted manner.