Getting To Know The Impact Of Early Marriage, Lossing Families To The End Of Divorce

YOGYAKARTA - There are still many early or underage marriages in Indonesia. Usually early marriage is triggered by reasons of wanting to get out of poverty. In fact, there are many impacts of early marriage which will actually harm your partner.

Many young couples who think that starting a household can be a solution to economic problems. In fact, many young couples are not mentally ready or materially but insist on getting married. As a result, halfway through, they experience various problems.

Marriage is not a simple relationship. Marriage is very complex because it involves many things, ranging from finance, family, psychology, and so on. Therefore, couples who want to get married should think carefully about it to avoid various bad risks that can happen.

Here are a number of negative impacts that often occur in couples who have early marriages.

One of the problems that often happen to married couples who are young is economic or financial. Young couples are vulnerable to economic problems because financially they do not have stable finances.

Many early marriages actually hinder the education of their partners, both husband and wife. This condition will certainly complicate their careers. Even though a good career is one of the factors supporting the economy.

If finances are not stable, couples will find it difficult to meet household needs. Couples with families have big responsibilities and many needs, such as child education costs, home care costs, and so on.

Judiciary problems are also vulnerable to young married couples. This risk is experienced especially by women. Women aged dozens are still in the development phase of the reproductive organs.

Many easy couples who marry are also still not aware of sexual education. This condition will make women prone to health problems. A study from the British Journal Cancer said that easy women with a lower middle economy have a high risk of HPV infection (a virus that causes cervical cancer). This condition occurs because the woman has had sexual intercourse for four years easier.

Mental readiness is a very important factor in marriage. An easy couple who gets married early is usually mentally immature. This condition will trigger various household problems.

Young couples also have emotions that can be said to be unstable. Excited emotions and high egos can lead to acts of domestic violence. Many cases of domestic violence occur because couples in the household cannot control their emotions.

The bad effects of early marriage do not only happen to couples or husband and wife. However, the negative effect of early marriage is also at risk for the baby's child or baby. Pregnancy at a young age can affect the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. This condition makes it prone to miscarriage.

In addition, young couples with unstable economies usually have difficulty meeting nutrition for their fetuses or babies. This condition will affect the health of pregnant women and their fetuses, or babies who have been born. Vulnerable babies can experience various health problems, such as stunting, slow motor development, malnutrition, and so on.

Economic availability in the family is not only to meet the needs of married couples and wives, but also the needs of children. Because economically not ready, young couples are prone to difficulties in raising children, ranging from providing adequate nutrition to the cost of children's education.

In addition, the mental readiness of parents also affects children's growth and development. Children will get character education from their parents. If the mentality of their parents is not ready, children are at risk of receiving poor parenting. This condition can make children experience mental problems that will be carried away to adulthood.

Those are a number of impacts of early marriage that need to be understood. All problems that arise due to early marriage can lead to divorce to poverty. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that marriage is not a race for who is fast. But readiness to build a household, in terms of morel or material.

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