President Jokowi And His Family Holds A Recitation For 1,000 Mother's Day

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo and his family held a recitation in Surakarta, Sunday, December 18 to commemorate the 1,000 days of the death of Jokowi's mother, Sujiatmi Notomihardjo."Considering the 1,000th anniversary of the death of Sudjiatmi Notomihardjo's mother, we gathered and held a recitation at the deceased's residence in Solo, today," Jokowi said in an upload to his Instagram account @jokowi as quoted in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, December 18 evening,In the photo uploaded on social media, Jokowi is seen wearing a white shirt and black skullcap, sitting next to his brother-in-law, Anwar Usman.Jokowi also said that the recitation was also attended by relatives and colleagues at the Sujiatmi recitation during his lifetime."Hopefully the late mother will find a spacious place with Allah SWT. Amen, Rabbal Alamin," wrote Jokowi.In the upload, hundreds of netizens also prayed through the comments column.