Menparekraf Makes A BREAK, Disposing Of The National Tourism Development Index

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno launched the National Tourism Development Index (IPKN). The goal is to raise awareness from various parties about the importance of developing a tourism ecosystem.

"IPKN is expected to be one of the indicators for strengthening the Indonesian tourism sector. We have really seen it, because this is one of our tourism transformations," said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno, through an official statement, in Jakarta, Saturday, December 17.

With the presence of IPKN, Sandiaga is optimistic that the Indonesian tourism sector will be more superior and known to the international market, so that it has the potential to penetrate the world's top 30 targets in the Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI).

Sandiaga further advised all levels of the central and regional levels of government to provide a strong commitment, innovate, and always collaborate in developing the potential of the tourism ecosystem in their respective regions, so that the IPKN assessment in their regions can be better.

On that occasion he also announced five categories of sub-index IPKN assessment. "The five are subindex enabling environment, travel and tourism policy enabling condition, infrastructure, travel and tourism demand drivers, as well as travel and tourism sustainability," said Sandiaga Uno.

Deputy for Strategic Policy at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) Nia Niscaya added that IPKN is one of the strategic initiatives to increase Indonesia's ranking at TTDI according to the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

IPKN was developed by lowering the TTDI concept that was adapted to conditions in Indonesia. The IPKN framework consists of 5 subindex, 16 pillars, and 61 indicators as benchmarks for inclusive and sustainable tourism development.

This framework is the basis for assessing the availability of regional data that has been summarized by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

"The framework does not only focus on how to improve tourism development based on the achievements of the data it has, but further see if the local government has strategic planning that is able to encourage progress (progress) for tourism development with the commitment of local governments," said Nia.

In addition, with the existence of IPKN, local governments can find out what are the advantages and weaknesses of each based on data as the basis for the preparation of regional policies and policies.

In the future, the preparation of IPKN will be announced regularly every one year. "The preparation of this index is based on the latest data from BPS, namely data for the last year," he said.