Achieve The Top Digital 2022 Award, PLN's Digital Service Is PROven To Make It Easier For The Electricity Access Society

PT PLN (Persero) won another award at the end of 2022, this time PLN won the Top Digital Implementation 2022 level stars 5.

Not only that, the President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo also won the Top Leader on Digital Implementation 2022 award at the Top Digital 2022 event which was held at the Raffles Hotel Jakarta, Thursday, December 14.

In this award, PLN is considered successful in the implementation and use of digital technology to facilitate services for the community.

Chairman of the 2022 Top Digital Organizers, M. Lutfi Handayani said, this is a joint learning activity and also an award activity given to government agencies and business corporations which is considered successful in the implementation and utilization of digital technology in Indonesia.

"We congratulate the winners of the Top Digital 2022. With this activity, we want to encourage the acceleration of digital transformation so that it can have a strategic impact both on corporations, businesses and government. For this reason, we encourage all parties to continue to improve the quality of implementing and utilizing digital technology," said Lutfi.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said this award was a matter of pride for the entire PLN Team.

He also explained that PLN had transformed for the past two and a half years and innovated and efficient by making digitalization the foundation.

"Today is a day full of pride for all PLN personnel, because we get two awards from It Works. One of the most prestigious Digital Awards in Indonesia is Top Digital Implementation and Top Leader on Digital Implementation. I dedicate extraordinary achievements to PLN personnel who have worked hard, who have worked with full understanding, full of sacrifice so we got here," said Darmawan.

Furthermore, he revealed that the digitization carried out by PLN had touched various aspects, ranging from generation, transmission, distribution. Digitalization is also carried out in planning systems, financial systems, payment systems, procurement systems, to customer service systems.

"In facing all the challenges, we can afford not only to map the problem, but to solve it comprehensively and one of them is by digitizing the business process. The business process that was previously static, and the backward looking is changed to dynamic and forward looking. The business process, which used to be manual, is now digitalized end to end," he said.

Thanks to the transformation carried out by PLN in all business lines, Darmawan continued, assets that used to be active have now been consolidated. The manufacturing management business process was simplified. Utilization of assets that were not yet optimal, is optimized. Likewise, primary energy management is also consolidated.

"Primary energy procurement not only increases reliability, but also at the same time builds a large value creation for PLN," said Darmawan.

PLN Mobile also received appreciation from the public by becoming one of the best applications in Southeast Asia with more than 35 million downloads.

Currently, PLN Mobile has a rating of 4.8 from the beginning of only 2.5.

"Alhamdulillah, the community welcomes our changes. Our customer service application PLN Mobile received appreciation from the public and was able to make it easier for the public to access electricity," said Darmawan.

Overall, PLN Group managed to get 7 awards where an additional 2 awards were won by PLN ICON Plus and 3 awards were won by PT Coindo Daya Bersama.