Hendra Kurniawan Tuding The Ethics Session Held By The National Police Headquarters Is Not Professional!

JAKARTA - The former Karo Paminal of the Propam Division, Hendra Kurniawan, accused the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial that he was undergoing as unprofessional. Originally he was tried internally in connection with the series of cases of the death of Brigadier J.

This statement was made by Hendra Kurniawan when he was presented as a witness in the trial of the alleged obstruction of justice case with the defendant Irfan Widyanto at the South Jakarta District Court, Friday, December 16.

Initially, Hendra told about the code of ethics process he was undergoing. In the series of cases where Brigadier J died, he was considered unprofessional.

"In our code of ethics, we are being investigated regarding the issue of accountability as a Bureau that is considered unprofessional and we are still making appeals," said Hendra.

Then, the public prosecutor asked him (JPU) to explain the unprofessional context in question.

At that time, Hendra actually called the KKEP trial he was undergoing unprofessional. The reason is that of the dozens of witnesses who are planned to be presented, only a small number of witnesses give testimony.

"I need to explain, I also don't understand professionals because of the 17 witnesses who were presented, only 3 were present and 1 was not present online, so I don't think the process is professional, so that's the only thing that can determine if I'm not a professional," explained Hendra.

"What's that problem?" asked the prosecutor.

"Tidak profesional melaksanakan tugas terkait dengan proses penyelidikan," sebut Hendra.

Then, the prosecutor asked for the investigation which was considered unprofessional. Hendra confirmed the police case of shooting at the Ferdy Sambo official residence at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

"What investigation?" asked the prosecutor.

"Investigation related to the shooting incident," said Hendra.

"SHOt at?" asked the prosecutor asserted.

"In Duren Tiga, 46. (Home, red) Pak FS, Ferdy Sambo," said Hendra.

In the decision of the KKEP trial, Hendra Kurniawan was sentenced to dishonorable congestion or PTDH. He no longer holds Brigadier General's status.