Profile Of Rian Ernest, A Former Ahok Staff Who Left PSI

YOGYAKARTA Some people may want to know about Rian Ernest's profile, a young politician who resigned from the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).

The last position that Rian held before resigning was the Director of Advocacy and Legal Aid of the PSI Central Executive Board (DPP).

In announcing his resignation, Rian Ernest stated that his decision was a tough thing. Moreover, he has been involved in politics with PSI for four years.

"The Indonesian Solidarity Party has become a very warm and comfortable home for me for the past 4 years. But now is the time for me to make tough decisions but I need to make it. Through this video I declare my resignation from the Indonesian Solidarity Party," Rian said through a video uploaded to his Instagram account, @rianernest.

Rian did not elaborate in detail on his reasons for leaving PSI. He only said that there were long-term plans in his political targets after leaving PSI.

"It's never easy to leave the comfort zone. It's a tough decision, but I'm sure this is the best," said Rian Ernest.

"Hopefully all of you and friends will continue to support me in supervising and providing input to me Rian Ernest wherever my next political steps are," added Rian.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Rian Ernest was born in Berlin, Germany on October 24, 1987.

The son of Jicang Cichosz and the late Levi Mulyati Tanudjaja began their basic education at SD Maria Fransiska, Bekasi and graduated in 1999, then continued to SMP Marsudirin Bekasi who graduated in 2002 and then SMAN 82 Jakarta and graduated from 2005.

His undergraduate education was pursued at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, to be precise in the field of Business Law.

Rian is noted to have helped Anies Baswedan in the transition team of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Jusuf Kalla in 2014. At that time, Rian was tasked with assisting the preparation of a new government work program, especially in the field of education.

Rian's name began to be highlighted by the public after he accompanied the Governor of DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in a trial at the Constitutional Court. At that time, Rian's status was not a civil servant (PNS), but only Ahok's legal expert staff.

In 2017, Rian was appointed Deputy Chairman of PSI DPW DKI Jakarta. He held the position for three years.

In 2019, Rian advanced as a legislative candidate for the Indonesian House of Representatives from PSI. However, he failed to step foot into Senayan, although he managed to get nearly 70 thousand votes from East Jakarta residents.

A year later, Rian declared himself as a candidate for Mayor of Batam. In the 2020 Batam Pilkada, Rian ran with Yusiana Gurusinga as a Mayor Candidate from an independent path. However, he failed to advance due to a lack of support requirements.

After failing to advance in the Batam Pilkada, Rian was appointed as Assistant to the President's Special Staff for the field of law.

In December 2021, Rian resigned as Assistant to the President's Special Staff and returned to being active at PSI. In Grace Natalie's party, Rian was appointed Director of Advocacy and Legal Aid, until finally he decided to resign.

Now, after withdrawing from PSI, Rian emphasized that he would continue to politics. He also stated that his struggle to voice the aspirations of the people would not stop.

"P my struggle voiced aspirations, formulated policies and instructed the people not to end," said Rian.

"I, Rian Ernest, will remain on the political path and I will continue to need your help to become a better politician, which is more beneficial to the people," he continued.

This is information about Rian Ernest's profile, Ahok's former staff who resigned from PSI.