PTPP Records A New Contract Of IDR 27.49 Trillion Until The End Of November 2022

JAKARTA - Construction and investment SOEs, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) has recorded new contract acquisitions until the end of November 2022 of IDR 27.49 trillion. The acquisition of this new contract grew 66.60 percent compared to the same period in the previous year (yoy) of IDR 16.52 trillion.

The acquisition of a new contract that was successfully achieved by PTPP for the November 2022 period was dominated by the Building sector of IDR 2.5 trillion, the Infrastructor sector of IDR 873 billion, and the contribution of Subsidiaries of IDR 2 trillion, most of which came from the mining road service hauling sector.

As of November 2022, the new contract from BUMN (SOE) dominates the acquisition of PTPP's new contract with a contribution of 52 percent, followed by the Government (Government) of 36 percent, and the Private (Private) of 12 percent.

The composition of the project acquisition consists of an Induction of 75 percent and a Subsidiary of 25 percent. Meanwhile, based on the company's business line, the composition of the company's new contract acquisition consists of a construction services business line of 80 percent, an EPC of 15 percent, a subsidiary of 5 percent.

To achieve the target by the end of 2022, PTPP is waiting for the results of the announcements from several tenders that have been followed, including from the Building sector as many as three projects and the Infrastructure sector as many as four projects. In addition, PTPP is still waiting for the results of the announcement of two project packages abroad and several tenders from its subsidiaries.

"PTPP has managed to book a new contract of IDR 27.49 trillion until the end of November 2022. Currently, PTPP is still waiting for the results of the announcements from several tenders that have been followed," said Bakhtiyar Efendi as Corporate Secretary of PTPP, in a written statement, Wednesday, December 14.

"With the total acquisition of the new contract, PTPP is optimistic that it can penetrate the target for obtaining a new contract that has been set by management, which is Rp. 31 trillion," concluded Bakhtiyar.