The National Education Coalition Calls The Action Of The Mayor Of Depok Langgar, Children's Education Rights In The Constitution

JAKARTA - The National Education Coalition condemns the actions of the Mayor of Depok regarding the eviction of SDN 01 Pondok Cina because it is considered to have violated the rights to children's education. The National Education Coalition, Jihan Fauziah Hamdi, said that the act was a form of human rights violation (HAM) as stated in the UN General Opinion Number 7 of 1997 concerning Paksa Exclusion. "The impact caused is disruption and cessation of the teaching and learning process," he said in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, December 14. Based on Circular Letter number 421.218/PC1/X1/2022 by the Depok City Education Office, it was stated that teachers at SDN Pocin 1 dated November 14 were teaching at SDN Pocin 3 and SDN Pocin 5.

According to Jihan, teachers are afraid to teach at SDN 01 Pondok Cina because it will be disputed by the Depok City Education Office. "Whereas in Permendikbud number 10 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Educators and Educators, teachers must obtain legal protection, professions, occupational safety and/or rights to intellectual property," he said. Jihan mentioned, regarding the actions of the Depok City Education Office which intimidates teachers of SDN 01 Pondok Cina through restrictions and hinders teachers in carrying out teaching and learning tasks is a violation of the protection of the teaching profession. In fact, the action shows that the Depok City Government has allowed students to attend without teachers and curriculum. The implementation of a semester-end assessment (PAS) which is getting closer and worsening the students' learning conditions. "How can they prepare without teachers and how can they access PAS that is integrated with government administration. The Mayor's actions violate the rights of child education guaranteed constitution," he said. Seeing the actions of the Depok City Government who committed procedural violations in an effort to disburse SDN 01 Pondok Cina and children's rights, the National Education Coalition strongly condemns the actions of the Depok City Government. Previously, the City Government (Depok) officially postponed the eviction of SDN 1 Pondok Cina, Depok City. The news was conveyed directly by Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris through his personal Instagram account. Idris said the decision on the basis of the follow-up of the results of the meeting with the Minister of PMK, Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR, Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ombudsman RI and Ombudsman representatives of Greater Jakarta as well as the West Java Governor's letter. For SDN 1 Pondok Cina students who are still studying at the location will still be facilitated to learn at the Pondok Cina 1 SDN location until the construction of RKB Baru at Pondin 5 which is used as a relocation site,' said Idris in his Instagram account seen by VOI, Wednesday, December 14. Masjid construction at the location of SDN 1 Pondok Cina was postponed, until all students can be relocated to SDN 5.