Dismantle Evidence Of Drugs, Bone Blender Prosecutor's Office Of Sabu, Marijuana And Gorilla Tobacco

SULSEL - The Bone District Attorney's Office (Kejari) destroyed evidence or barbuk of narcotics cases, one of which was methamphetamine with a gross weight of 357 grams. The destruction was carried out in the Kejari yard by blending it.

In addition to the so-called, the barbuks that were destroyed were 2 small sachets of marijuana, 1 medium-sized gorilla tobacco, 1 piece of bamboo, 7 sharp weapons, and a number of clothes.

"Where the evidence consists of 89 cases, namely 69 narcotics cases and 20 other cases," said the Head of the Bone Aksyam Kejari at the Bone Kejari, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), Tuesday, December 14, which was confiscated by Antara.

Aksyam conveyed that the barbuk that was destroyed came from criminal cases that had been signed or obtained permanent legal force.

In addition to being blended and then thrown away, other bars are destroyed by burning and destroying using a cutting machine or destroyer.

Aksyam said the destruction of the barbuk that had obtained permanent legal force was a routine activity of the Bone Kejari.

"This activity is a follow-up to the prosecutor's duty to implement court decisions, one of which is for barbuks that have obtained permanent legal force," he said.