Planned To Eviction SDN 1 Pondok Cina With A Negative Impact On Students, Komnas HAM Immediately Call The Mayor Of Depok

The parents of SDN 1 Pondok Cina (Pocin) students held an audience with the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding the Depok City Government (Pemkot) plan to eviction their children's schools. During the meeting, parents of students said that their children experienced many obstacles, buying and hampering the teaching and learning process.

The audience held in the classroom, Monday, December 12, dozens of parents of students who attended vented all the problems in front of the 4 commissioners of Komnas HAM, Uli Parulian Sihombing, Anis Hidayah, Hari Kurniawan and Putu Elvira.

One by one, parents express their complaints. According to them, school evictions have an impact on the child's psychological condition, resulting in disruption of the teaching and learning process.

As Endang said, one of the parents of a student, he said that his son often gets bullying from his peers, as a result of school evictions. This is what causes the child to stay away from his friends.

"I really feel disturbed, the 6th grade. My son is bullied. So every Friday prayer day, every time Maghrib. He never goes to a mosque near my house. Always he walks far from the mosque. I always ask 'bang, how come his Maghrib comes home for a long time, how come the Friday prayers haven't come home'. He said, 'I'm always being ridiculed, bullied.' The school wants to be evicted, right, I'm going to go to school, that's what my son said. So my son has limited himself, it's better to stay away,' said Endang in front of Komnas HAM, Monday, December 12.

In addition, there are also students who do not get the maximum study hours. This happens because the study place is still experiencing problems related to the eviction of land in their school.

"My son is bimba every time he comes here, he will postpone it first, he will change the day when this problem has been resolved," he concluded.

The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) will summon the Mayor of Depok, Muhammad Idris regarding the eviction of SDN 1 Pondok Cina (Pocin), Beji, Depok City.

Hearing many complaints from parents, Komnas HAM plans to summon Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris to ask for clarification.

Komnas HAM regrets this incident. Children must get proper education, the school environment is comfortable and safe so that it creates a conducive learning atmosphere. In the near future we will summon the Mayor of Depok, "said Anis Hidaya, Komnas HAM Commissioner.

Komnas HAM assessed that the occurrence of this polemic was due to a lack of dialogue or communication between the Depok City Government and parents.

"Actually, we also regret that dialogue efforts were made insufficient. So this is an obstacle why this happened," he said.