Yakin Get Free Malaysia From Corruption: Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim Tak Segan Pecat Menteri, Tinjau Projects Approved

JAKARTA - Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim expressed confidence he could free Malaysia from corruption, making him not hesitate to fire ministers involved in corruption and review approved projects.

PM Anwar Ibrahim firmly warned his cabinet minister that anyone involved in bribery or abuse of power would be issued soon.

"I have informed the Cabinet ministers that I have chosen, the first and most importantly, there should be no corruption," he stressed, launching CNA December 12.

"I have also informed all party component leaders, if any ministers are involved in corruption, I will ask for their mandate to immediately fire them," he explained, adding the warning was not a political deception but, his belief in freeing the country from corruption. corruption.

PM Anwar said he would not compromise with such a culture in the unity government he leads.

Separately, PM Anwar said he would review the approved project to ensure there were no leaks, as the national debt had exceeded Malaysia's 1 trillion ringgit.

"I've worked hard to check files and we'll be delaying some projects to be re-examined or canceled," he said.

"If you want to shop, you have to be careful. This is a matter of governance," he said.

Therefore, he said, state management must be carried out by following the right order and rules.

"Look at the spontaneous approval of the flood mitigation project. There are some unanswered questions and I ask to be postponed and re-examined," he said, according to Bernama.

Previously, PM Anwar announced that approval for government procurement could no longer be granted without a tender process, to prevent financial leakage and corruption.