The News About The House Of Victims Of The Cianjur Earthquake That Was Heavily Damaged Only Got Rp. 15 Million, Regent: Can Report Mr. RT

JAKARTA - The Regent of Cianjur, West Java, Herman Suherman, asked earthquake victims whose houses were damaged not according to the data, to report through villages or sub-districts to be re-verified in order to receive compensation that is in accordance with the damage.

"If there are residents who receive assistance that is not in accordance with the condition of the damaged house, they can report it through the head of the local RT/RW to proceed to the relevant agency or agency for follow-up," Herman said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 11.

The Regent of Cianjur said that many reports were reported regarding the condition of residents' houses that were heavily damaged, only received assistance of Rp. 15 million or for the condition of houses that were lightly damaged and not a few whose houses were lightly damaged, but instead received heavy damage of Rp. 60 million.

This, he said, was due to an error when the officers entered the data, so residents were asked to immediately report so that the assistance received was in accordance with the damage, where the provision of assistance was symbolically handed over by President Joko Widodo a few days ago.

"Maybe it's a mistake when entering the data, so there's no need to worry because it will be re-verified, immediately report it to the local authorities to be re-verified," he said.

He added that for the first stage, as many as 8,100 earthquake victims had received assistance to rebuild their houses, so he hoped that the assistance would actually be used to build houses, not to buy vehicles.

Meanwhile, residents of earthquake victims in Cugenang District, beneficiaries complained that most of their houses that collapsed only received minor and moderate damage. So they hope that data collection can be carried out again so that the assistance they receive is in accordance with the damage.

"I have reported it through the village because my house is razed to the ground and only gets help repairing lightly. I hope the data will no longer change and we can rebuild the house from the money provided by the government," said earthquake victim in Cijedil Village, Yati (64).

Previously, President Joko Widodo handed over the first phase of aid money for 8,100 victims of the Cianjur earthquake, West Java, which will be used to rebuild their damaged houses Thursday, December 8 at the Raider 300 Battalion Headquarters.

The assistance provided was added, ranging from Rp. 5 million to Rp. 60 million per person, which was originally for houses with a heavily damaged amount of Rp. 50 million to Rp. 60 million, moderate damage from Rp. 25 million to Rp. 30 million and minor damage from Rp. 10 million to Rp. 15 million.