First Dose Of COVID-19 Vaccination In Indonesia Capai 203 Million, Second Booster Available For Elderly And Medical Personnel
The Task Force for Handling COVID-19 reported that the number of recipients of the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine had reached 203,827,128, after experiencing an additional 14,527 people as of 12.00 WIB.
According to data from the Task Force received by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, December 10, the addition also occurred in the second dose. As of today, recipients have increased by 22,081 people, bringing the total to 174,439,167 people.
Then the recipients of the third dose or the first booster were 67,506,011 people, an increase of 75,015 people from the previous day.
Meanwhile, recipients of the fourth dose or the second booster intended for health workers and the elderly have now reached 1,016,903 people, an increase of 17,380 people.
The Task Force stated that the government has a target target of 234,666,020 people to be vaccinated against COVID-19, as a form of efforts to accelerate the end of the pandemic.
Government Spokesperson for COVID-19 Reisa Broto Asmoro stated that the second booster or fourth dose for the elderly (elderly) is one of the efforts of the Indonesian nation to end the COVID-19 pandemic.
"This is also an effort when we have been vaccinated, the risk of getting worse and also death will be lower. His name is endeavored means there's nothing wrong with trying," said Reisa.
Reisa reminded that the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening. At that time, the body needed more effort to avoid transmission of the infection, which is currently still proven to be effective in preventing vaccination.
This is because the antibodies that have been created from vaccination still have to continue to receive further injections in order to provide optimal protection and prevent the community, especially the elderly, from getting worse and dying.
Regarding the provision of a second booster to the elderly, the government still provides services free of charge. Therefore, for the elderly who are over 60 years of age, they can get it after six months from the last booster.
"There is no bad effect on vaccines if, for example, someone says the vaccine has a negative impact, it means a hoax, because so far we have all been protected," he said.