Rekomendasi Film Bertema Sejarah Bekerjaan Di Indonesia, Tayang Setiap Akhir Pekan

Confused to look for an event to fill this weekend? The dish of a special historical film, namely the film Tutur Tinular I Singer Puspa and Fire in Bukit Menoreh, can be an option.

Tutur Tinular Singer Naga Puspa, is a film that takes the background of the collapse of Singasari and the emergence of Kediri. The film, which was released in 1989, was directed by Nurhadi Irawan. Played by Baron Hermanto (Arya Dwipangga), Benny G. Rahardja (Arya Kamandanu), Yoseph Hungan (Empu Ranubaya), Aspar Paturusi (Kartanegara), and many other actors as well as acris. This film tells the story of the brothers Arya Dwipangga and Arya Kamandu who are the children of Enggareksa.

At that time Kamandanu's lover was grabbed and married by his own brother, Dwipangga. Kamandunu then left and became a student of Empu Ranubaya who was a friend of his father. Even so, the two Empus are very contradictory because Haggareksa are considered to have betrayed their teacher by joining Singasari's work. Haggareksa then came to invite Ranubaya to join Singasari, but the invitation was rejected by Ranubaya.

Seeing his son joining Ranubaya and the refusal he received, Hanggareksa reported it to Raja Singasari. The Singasari Royal Troops then attacked the cave where Empu Ranubaya lives. Can Empu Ranubaya escape from the Singasari troops? Watch the full story on tvOne on Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 20.00 WIB.

The next film is Api Di Bukit Menoreh, this film has the theme of war between the Pajang-Jipang kingdoms. The aftermath of the war won by Pajang, made the rest of the Jipang troops roam and disturb peace. Pajang finally sent Untoro, played by Kies Slamet and his younger brother Agung Sedayu, played by Sentot S, to help his uncle, Widuro, played by Kusno Sudjarwadi in Sangkal Putung.

On his way, Untoro was injured, then he was helped by a shaman who turned out to be a magic warrior, Tanu Metir (Hassan Sanusi). Untoro ordered Sedayu to continue to Sangkal Putung, he wanted Sedayu to be a man. In Sangkal Putung Sedayu was misinterpreted by Sidanti, who continued to look for the case until he was finally caught treason while fighting against Tohpati and stabbing Untoro's back.

Sedayu finally acted decisively and challenged Sidanti's duel. Tambak Wedi, who is a Sidanti teacher, came to help. Tambak Wedi instead took Sidanti away to join Tohpati, Sedayu, who did not accept it, finally made the battle inevitable. How is the continuation of the story? Watch the story on tvOne on Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 20.00 WIB.