The Head Of Social Security And Social Affairs Of The Lebak Regency Social Service Has Become A Suspect In The Bansos Corruption Case

LEBAK - ET (48), Head of the Social Protection and Security Division (Linjamsos) at the Lebak Regency Social Service, was secured by the Lebak Police Satreskrim Corruption Unit for the alleged case of corruption in the Unexpected Social Assistance (Bansos TT) and Non-planned Assistance (BTT) for victims of natural disasters and social disasters for the 2021 fiscal year.

The Head of the Lebak Police of the Banten Police, AKBP Wiwin Setiawan, said the role of ET in this case was the main actor, or implementer of the activity.

"The suspect ET in the Social Assistance TT and BTT programs has a role as the executor of activities related to his position as Head of the Social Security Division at the Lebak Regency Social Service," said Wiwin in a written statement, Friday, December 9.

It is known that ET has taken over the authority of the treasurer of the official expenditure by disbursing the TT and BTT social assistance budgets from Bank Jabar.

"Of the 52 Beneficiary Groups (KPM), only 6 KPM were distributed by the suspect after disbursing the budget from BJB and in the second stage BTT from the budget for 75 KPM, only 8 KPM were distributed to fire victims in Sajira," said Wiwin.

Based on the suspect's statement and evidence in the form of documents confiscated by investigators, the remaining BTT and TT social assistance money that were not distributed by the suspect to KPM amounted to Rp308,000,000.

"The suspect has admitted that the money from corruption is used for daily needs and to pay off debts," continued Wiwin.

Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Lebak Police, Iptu Andi Kurniady Eka Setyabudi, explained that in the disclosure of this case his party had examined many witnesses.

"We have examined 150 witnesses and we are still developing this case, to find out the involvement of other parties," said Andi.

The suspect ET is subject to Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 3 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of 1 billion.