Regarding The Removal Of The DKI Regional Secretary, There Is A Potential For Maladministration By The Acting Governor Heru And The Minister Of Home Affairs

JAKARTA - Former Head of the Greater Jakarta Ombudsman Representative, Teguh P. Nugroho, revealed that there was an error in the decision of the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to remove Marullah Matali from the position of Regional Secretary (Sekda) of DKI.

Teguh views that the dismissal of the Regional Secretary's position and the transfer of Marullah's position as Deputy Governor for Culture and Tourism has the potential to be an act of maladministration.

"There is a potential for maladministration carried out by the PJ of the governor of DKI in the mutation of the Regional Secretary because it is not compliance with the applicable laws and regulations," Teguh said when contacted, Friday, December 9.

The regulation referred to by Teguh is Government Regulation (PP) Number 49 of 2008 concerning Elections, Ratifications, Appointments, and Dismissal of Regional Heads and Deputy Regional Heads.

In Article 132 A Paragraph (1) and (2) it is stated that the Acting Governor is prohibited from transferring employees, canceling the permits that have been issued by previous officials and/or issuing permits that are contrary to those issued by previous officials and circulars are only internally binding.

In fact, according to Teguh, one of these rules was issued to prevent the Acting regional head from issuing policies beyond his authority. Given, the Acting is a regional head who does not come from the general election process.

"In this case. Heru, PJ is not a replacement for the governor who came from the previous deputy governor. As a result, all Acting can be a political machine to replace officials in the regions who won certain candidates," said Teguh.

Indeed, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian has issued a new regulation, namely Circular Letter of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 821/5492/SJ dated September 14, 2022, which grants permission to Acting or Acting for transfer of officials or ASN in his institution.

However, according to Teguh, this SE also hit existing regulations. Therefore, Teguh views that Minister of Home Affairs Tito also has the potential to carry out maladministration other than Heru.

"The Minister of Home Affairs has the potential to be the party conducting the mal administration. This is because the approval is only for definitive officials from the governor, regent, or deputy mayor of the officials he replaces," he said.

It is known that Heru shifted Marullah's position from the position of Secretary of DKI to Deputy Governor in the inauguration on Friday, December 2.

To fill the temporary vacuum, Heru inaugurated Uus Kuswanto as Acting Regional Secretary of DKI. The plan is that the definitive appointment of the DKI Regional Secretary is expected to be elected by the end of December 2022 or early January 2023.