FPI's Front TV YouTube Channel Cannot Be Accessed

JAKARTA - The YouTube Front TV channel belonging to the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) suddenly disappeared and could not be watched. Video viewing on this channel can only be watched on a limited basis using a VPN service.

"This channel is not available in your country (this channel is not available in your country)," said the written on the Front TV channel link on YouTube, Thursday, December 17.

In its official statement, Front TV informed that their YouTube channel could not be watched, since Wednesday, December 16. According to them, the restrictions are believed to be at the request of the government to YouTube Indonesia.

notification of suspension of YouTube Front TV channel (Front TV management)

"We are trying to confirm to YouTube the reason why the FRONT TV YouTube channel has been restricted in Indonesia," wrote Front TV.

This is not the first time that Front TV's channel has disappeared from YouTube. In addition, some video content that has been uploaded by Front TV was written "Video Unavailable. This video is private".

"We Front TV crew apologize profusely to all parties and viewers of Sahabat Muslim Front TV for this inconvenience, ask for their prayers and support so that we can all continue to fight for and speak out the truth in the media field," wrote Front TV management.

Previously, the @DPPFPI_ID account was also suspended by Twitter. The claim was made because the account was deemed to have violated Twitter's social media rules.