3 Police Become Victims Of The Suicide Bombing At The Astanaanyar Police, Bandung

BANDUNG - A suicide bombing occurred at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, West Java. Three policemen were injured as a result of the action.

"Korban 3 polisi mengalami luka," ujar Kapolrestabes Bandung Kombes Aswin Sipayung saat dikonfirmasi, Rabu, 7 Desember.

Currently, the three members of the National Police have been taken to the nearest hospital for treatment. However, they did not specify the injuries.

Apart from that, Aswin said the suicide bombing occurred at around 08.20. The perpetrator broke through the members who were apple in the yard of the Astanaanyar Police.

"One man entered the police station brandishing a sharp weapon, breaking through the ranks of the apples," he said.

Shortly after the perpetrator broke through the ranks of members, an explosion occurred immediately. Until finally the perpetrator died.

"The explosion occurred on the inside, in front of the entrance to the police station," said Aswin.

Meanwhile, the explosion occurred at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, West Java, on Wednesday, December 7. Allegedly, the explosion was a suicide bombing.

Currently, an in-depth process is still being carried out. The goal is to ascertain the source of the explosion.

Based on the photo data received by VOI, it appears that the alleged perpetrator has long hair characteristics.

Then, from several other photo documents, several body parts were scattered on several points from the Astanaanyar Police.