Residents In The Red Zone Of The Eruption Of Mount Semeru Are Starting To Evacuate Wild Animals

JATIM - Residents in the red zone of the Mount Semeru eruption disaster who were instructed to evacuate for security began evacuating their livestock today, Monday, December 5. The residents' activities were assisted by officers.

"Today, people have started evacuating livestock assisted by officers in Kajar Kuning Hamlet, Sumberwuluh Village, while in Renteng Village it is relatively safe," said Sumberwuluh Village Secretary Samsul Arif in Sumberwuluh Village, Candipuro District, Lumajang Regency, East Java (East Java), Monday 5 December.

According to him, the evacuation of livestock is an important part of disaster management because it is a valuable asset for the community, so it needs to be saved.

"The Kajar Kuning Hamlet is the worst affected area by Mount Semeru's Hot Clouds (APG) and the evacuation of livestock cannot be carried out on the first day because the terrain is still vulnerable," he said, quoted by Antara.

He explained that livestock were evacuated to ensure the safety of residents' assets and this was to anticipate the presence of individuals who took advantage of residents' negligence.

"As happened in the Mount Semeru APG disaster last year, we received reports of the loss of livestock during an eruption accompanied by APG last year," he said.

Samsul said that livestock were collected in Penanggal Village and permanent housing in Sumbermujur Village where there were cages, but we still do not know whether the residents' livestock needs have been fulfilled.

Meanwhile, Candipuro Sub-district Secretary Abdul Aziz said all residents in Kajar Kuning Hamlet had been relocated to Bumi Semeru Damai in Sumbermujur Village, but some residents planted and kept animals there.

"The survivors of hot clouds of avalanches still planted in Kajar Kuning Hamlet, but after they finished work, they returned to their permanent residences in the relocation of Bumi Semeru Damai," he said.

According to him, Kajar Kuning Hamlet is a red zone area for the eruption of Mount Semeru, so a year ago after the Semeru APG disaster was vacated and no residents lived there.