Accueil > nouvelles Cianjur Regent Ensures Logistics Stocks Are Safe For Refugee Needs 02 Desember 2022, 22:56 Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman (third right) together with other regional leadership elements held an earthquake emergency press conference at the Cianjur Hall, West Java, Friday (2/12/2022). (ANTARA/Feri Purnama) Tag: nusantara cianjur gempa cianjur jawa barat pengungsi Nouvelles connexes : | NOUVELLES Banggar DPR: The Government Cannot As Well As Lower VAT In The PHP Law | MODE DE VIE Gets 12 Percent VAT, What Is Special Rice? | NOUVELLES Mendes: Village Funds May Be Used For Emergency | NOUVELLES Israel Places Explosives Boxes Near Hospitals In North Gaza | NOUVELLES BNN Bali Arrests Russian Citizens Drug Dealers From Cocaine To MDMA | MODE DE VIE 5 Prohibitions For People Who Are Big, Pay Attention Carefully!