Just Turn Corn, Why Is The IKN Law Revised?

YOGYAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) proposes amendments to or revisions to Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (UU IKN).

Many have questioned the proposed revision of the law, considering that Law No. 3/2022 has not been ratified for a year. So, why is the IKN Law being revised?

As is known, the proposed revision of the IKN Law was submitted by the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly in a working meeting with the DPR Legislation Body at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta which was held on Wednesday, November 23, 2022. During the meeting, Yasonna mentioned that the revision of the IKN Law was in accordance with the direction of President Joko Widodo.

Yasonna asked the DPR to include the revision of Law No.3/2022 into the Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) in 2023.

"The government proposes that two additional bills be included in the 2023 Priority Prolegnas due to the dynamics of the development and direction of the President. Namely, the plan to amend Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital and the Bill on the Procurement of Goods and Public Services," said Yasonna Laoly, referring to VOI.

Based on Yasonna's narrative, the revision of the IKN Law aims to accelerate the process of moving the state capital and organizing special IKN areas. Meanwhile, the material for changing the IKN Law is intended to optimally strengthen the IKN Authority through special arrangements related to the funding and management of state property.

"The special arrangements are also related to the processing of IKN assets which are separated by financing, convenience, and investment facilities, progressive land rights provisions, and guarantees for the continuity of IKN development," he explained.

Revision of the IKN Law to Accommodate Investor's will on Land

Separately, the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa said that the revision of the IKN Law needed to be carried out so that the law would be stronger.

He gave an example, several provisions contained in the derivative product of Law 3/2022 in the form of Presidential Regulations and Government Regulations will be included in the revision of the IKN Law. This is so that all provisions in the Presidential Regulation and PP can be stronger because they are protected by law.

"PP and Perpres are dealing with other laws (UU). We want no debate on their authority," he said at the State Palace Complex, Thursday, December 1, 2022, quoted from ANTARA.

Furthermore, Suharso dismissed that the State Capital Law was drafted in a hurry by the government and the DPR so that it had to be revised.

"Yesterday it didn't mean we were in a hurry, no," said Suharso

Suharso said Law Number 3 of 2022 regarding IKN was also not flawed. Currently, the law can also be implemented.

Suharso explained several main points of IKN revision, namely regarding the organizational structure of the IKN Authority, land issues, financing structures, and the authority of ministries/agencies that can be mandated to IKN authorities. In addition, he said, the government also listened to the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the lawsuit filed against the IKN Law.

He gave an example of revising the provisions of land regulations in the IKN Law.

"Our land wants to make sure again. Because investors want it not only to get rights for 90 years, or it could double 180 years, but how can people buy not land there. We are entering that rule," he said.

The government previously proposed amendments to Law number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (IKN) to the DPR to be included in the Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) in 2023.

That's the information regarding the revised IKN Law. To get news up to date, keep looking at VOI.id