Sri Mulyaniampingi Jokowi LEAVEs The DIPA Report And The 2023 Regional Transfer Allocation Book

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani today submitted the Report on the Delivery of DIPA and the Allocation of Transfers to Regions for Fiscal Year 2023 to be submitted by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to ministries/agencies and local governments.

On this occasion, the Minister of Finance said that the government was focusing the 2023 State Budget on developing human resources, namely education and health. He detailed the budget allocation for education of IDR 612.2 trillion.

"This will be channeled through the center amounting to IDR 237.1 trillion, in the form of transfers to the regions (TKDD) amounting to IDR 305.6 trillion and financing IDR 69.5 trillion," he said through the Jakarta Presidential Palace, Thursday, December 1.

The Minister of Finance added that for the health sector, Rp. 178.7 trillion was allocated with central expenditures of Rp. 118.7 trillion and transfers to regions of Rp. 60 trillion.

"Then spending on social assistance in order to provide protection when the shock occurred Rp476 trillion, where the central government was Rp454.7 trillion and TKDD was Rp17 trillion and financing was Rp4.3 trillion," he said.

Furthermore, in the food security sector, a budget of IDR 104.2 trillion is provided, consisting of a center of IDR 81.7 trillion transfers to the region of IDR 22.5 trillion. Then, the energy sector is IDR 341.3 trillion with details of subsidies and energy compensation of IDR 339.6 trillion and other energy expenditures of IDR 1.7 trillion.

"Next year's infrastructure is IDR 392.1 trillion with a center of IDR 211.1 trillion, TKDD IDR 95 trillion and financing IDR 86 trillion," he said.

"Finally, the defense and security sector of the TNI/Polri, including election preparations, reached IDR 316.9 trillion," continued Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

On the same occasion, President Jokowi conveyed that next year's government policy is expected to overcome pressures that are estimated to be heavier than this year.

"I ask all ministries and institutions as well as local governments to really optimize spending," said the Head of State.