The Price Of Electric Vehicles Is Much More Expensive Than Fuel-based Vehicles, The Boss Of PLN: But The Operational Costs Are More Saving

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN noted that there was an increase in demand for electric vehicles, both motorcycles and cars, although the price was much more expensive than fossil fuel-based vehicles or fuel-based vehicles. So it took 3 years to cover the price difference between these vehicles. President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, said that the operational cost of electric-based vehicles is 75 percent cheaper than that of fuel-based vehicles. However, Darmawan continued, the current price of electric vehicles is much more expensive than vehicles that use fossil fuels. In fact, the difference reached Rp350 million. "So, for example, we bought a manufacturer from Korea, it was Rp800 million (electric car). Meanwhile, using a fuel car with the same size, the cost was only Rp450 million (fuel-based car price). So there is a (cycling) of Rp350 million more expensive," said Darmawan during a meeting with Commission VI DPR RI, quoted on Tuesday, November 29.

Darmawan also said that the operational costs of electric motorcycles are much cheaper than fossil fuel motorcycles. However, the purchase price of two-wheeled vehicles based on electricity is much higher. "For example, the best-selling gasoline-based motorcycles are Honda Beat and Yamaha Mio costs Rp. 17 million, while electric motors are Rp. 25-Rp. 26 million, cheaper (operationally), but Rp. 7 million is more expensive (the price of the vehicle)," he said. "As a result, at the operational time it is cheaper but the price of the price of the vehicle (the price of the vehicle) takes 3 years," he continued. Therefore, Darmawan hopes that in the future there will be government policies in the form of either a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) or other policies related to tax relief and others. So, Darmawan continued, the purchase of motorbikes and electric cars can be competitive compared to fuel-based cars. "So, operational cost saving can be realized immediately on the first day, second, there is no need for even more expensive costs," he said.