Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Is Scheduled To Attend The 2022 Christmas Celebration In Biak Numfor Papua

PAPUA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin is scheduled to attend Christmas worship celebrations in Biak Numfor Regency on December 1, 2022.

Deputy Regent (Wabup) Biak Numfor Calvin Mansnembra conveyed that the Christmas celebration in Biak would involve the government, the community and the TNI/Polri.

"In accordance with the agenda of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's visit to Biak to conduct a series of activities, one of which is to attend the Christmas celebrations together directly," he said after the 51st anniversary of the Korpri in Biak, Papua, Tuesday, November 29, was confiscated by Antara.

He hopes that the government of Biak Numfor Regency, all elements of society and forkopimda Biak are ready to welcome Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's visit to Biak.

"I invite all elements of society to maintain the safe and conducive situation of the Biak Numfor kamtibmas during the visit of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin to Biak 1-2 December 2022," he added.

Vice Regent Calvin asked the Biak Numfor ASN ranks to attend a joint Christmas with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin on December 1, 2022.

"I ask the OPD leadership to pay attention to the presence of ASN at the Christmas event together," hoped Deputy Regent Calvin Mansnembra.

Several agendas for Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's visit to Biak will witness tuna export activities, visit integrated business service centers, MSME assistance and meetings with regional heads throughout Teluk Saereri.

"All agendas for Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's working visit to Biak are expected to run safely and smoothly," he said.

Meanwhile, the ranks of the TNI/Polri together with regional apparatus organizations held a coordination meeting to make the Vice President's visit to Biak a success.

According to Antara's monitoring, until 11.30 WIT, Biak Numfor's activities were running as conducive as usual.

Various public services including public transportation, ports, airports and market shopping centers are running normally to serve the needs of residents as usual.