The DPR Appreciates PLN For Realizing PMN For The Village Electricity Program

JAKARTA - PLN continues to strive to realize energy justice by distributing electricity to remote areas. Thanks to the support of the government and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), the realization of the ratio of electricityed villages in all corners of Indonesia through State Capital Participation (PMN) as of October 2022 reached 90.79 percent.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Monday, November 28, expressed his gratitude for the support of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives to realize electricityed villages through PMN.

"Thanks to the full support from Commission VI of the DPR RI, PMN is present as an embodiment of justice. PLN is ready to build energy infrastructure throughout the archipelago, especially in the 3T area and including as the embodiment of Indonesia's sovereignty at the border between countries," said Darmawan.

Darmawan continued, PLN carried out an increase in the electrification ratio simultaneously by accelerating the energy transition through the development of power plants sourced from local natural resources. PLN is also developing transmission networks and substations that are useful for increasing system supply so that the range of village electricity services can be increased.

He detailed, to build electricity infrastructure in the 3T area, PLN requires Rp. 25-45 million per customer. Without the presence of PMN, access to electricity for the entire community will not be realized.

At next year's PMN, PLN will maximize the funds to pursue the target ratio of electricityed villages, especially in Eastern Indonesia, which currently has an electrification ratio of below 90 percent. In addition, PLN will also focus on building access to electricity in border areas such as West Kalimantan, North Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.

"We will pursue the target of the electricityed village ratio to increase to 93.83 percent in 2023. For this reason, we really need the support of Commission VI of the DPR RI to be able to jointly create fair electricity," said Darmawan.

In an effort to build electricity infrastructure in the 3T region, PLN needs IDR 408 billion to maximize the electrification ratio in the Java Madura region, Bali. Then, for Sumatra and Kalimantan, it takes IDR 5 trillion and the Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua and Nusa Tenggara regions amounting to IDR 2.5 trillion.

"The average investment per customer in non-3T areas is IDR 1.2 million per customer. Jamali's area increased by IDR 45 million per customer, Sumatra and Kalimantan Regions IDR 39 million per customer, Sulawesi region, Maluku, Papua and Nusa Tenggara around IDR 25 million per customer," concluded Darmawan.

Commission VI of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) also appreciates the village electricity program through the State Capital Participation (PMN) run by PLN.

Member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives Andre Rosiade expressed his appreciation for PLN's commitment to using PMN funds to present electricity in the 3T region. The collaboration between PLN, the Government and the DPR through this PMN fund allows people in the 3T region to now enjoy electricity.

"Earlier I listened to the explanation from the President Director of PLN regarding PMN 2022, which has been executed and is extraordinary," he said.

Therefore, he fully supports the provision of PMN of IDR 10 trillion for the PLN electrification program. He hopes that there will be more people in the 3T region who can enjoy electricity next year.

As for 2023, PLN proposed PMN of IDR 10 trillion. Meanwhile, the details of the allocation are for new and renewable energy plants (EBT) with local resources in the form of water, solar, and geothermal in remote areas of IDR 1.74 trillion.

Then, the transmission function and substations to connect electricity in remote areas amounted to IDR 3.78 trillion. The distribution function and village electricity to connect customers in the context of fair electricity amounting to IDR 4.48 trillion.

"I think this is a good program, for that I try to hear your request for PMN 2023 of IDR 10 trillion. I think of course we will provide full support in order to ensure that all Indonesian people from Sabang to Merauke can enjoy electricity," explained Andre.

In line with Andre, members of Commission VI of the Muslim House of Representatives also fully support PLN's efforts to provide access to electricity to remote areas through PMN. Through this program, it is hoped that it will provide new hope for the people in 3T to be able to enjoy access to electricity.

"This is what we really hope for, actually they are just independent. If we look at PMN 2022 Rp5 trillion, we strongly agree that they are directed to 3T," said Muslim.

Similarly, Member of Commission VI Ananta Wahana also expressed his appreciation and support for the PLN electricity program. Through the electricity program of PLN, which is financed by PMN, it is hoped that it can provide a sense of justice to the entire community to get access to electricity.

"In order to equalize social justice, as representatives of the people, we express our appreciation and agree. I hope it will become the spirit and commitment of the President Director of PLN," he concluded.