LinkedIn Joins New Posting Schedule Features, No More Use Additional Applications

JAKARTA - LinkedIn launched a new feature that allows users to schedule posts to be sent at another time.

Microsoft's social network appears to have been testing new features internally for several months. This is known from an online report last August from web developer and app researcher Nima Owji. But according to rumors circulating on social media, LinkedIn is now preparing things for prime time.

Matt Navarra, a well-known social media consultant, confirmed yesterday that he is now seeing post-scheduling features within the Android app and on the LinkedIn website itself. While TechCrunch, has also managed to independently confirm the feature on the web.

Those who have this feature will see a small clock icon next to the "send" button in the messaging box.

When users click on the clock icon, they are given the option to select a specific date and the half-hour slot they want to schedule for their post.

Meanwhile millions of marketers, influencers, and experts' around the world will definitely be happy with this new feature, it should be noted that similar functions are temporarily available through third-party platforms such as Hootsuite and Buffer.

However, not everyone is happy to give third-party platforms access to their LinkedIn accounts for data privacy reasons. Moreover, the original functionality is almost always more comfortable, especially for those who just want to share certain content with their LinkedIn followers.

In fact, the original post-scheduling has always been absent from widely used social networks such as LinkedIn which claims about 875 million members globally. Twitter (via TweetDeck) and Facebook have been offering content scheduling for a while, not to mention email clients like Gmail that lets you send messages while you are fast asleep.

LinkedIn has yet to provide further information about this new post-scheduling feature, including when all users will be able to have access to the feature.