Realization Of The Food Supply Chain Partnership ID Food With Capai MSMEs IDR 1.16 Trillion

JAKARTA - Food holding ID Food together with SMEs/IKM continues to improve the food supply chain as part of strengthening the food ecosystem.

Director of Supply Chain Management and Information Technology ID Food Adhi Cahyono Nugroho said, until the September 2022 period ID Food has partnered with MSMEs in various sectors to reach 806 MSMEs.

Adhi said the MSMEs support upstream as raw material and as many as 214,461 MSMEs partnering downstream for ID Food products with a cooperation value of up to IDR 1.16 trillion.

"Like the sugar supply chain, ID Food has partnered with sugarcane farmers with sugarcane takeoffs of around Rp. 10.4 billion per year," Adhi explained in an official statement, Sunday, November 27.

Adhi continued, the role of other ID Food Groups such as the fisheries sector managed by PT Perikanan Indonesia has also partnered with fishermen, fisheries and SME businesses to strengthen the fish supply chain by around 60 tons per year.

Likewise, salt commodities with farmers' salt offtake are around 105,257 tons per year managed by PT Garam.

In the trade sector managed by ID Food Group through the food stall platform managed by PT Trading Company Indonesia holding members, it has also partnered with SMEs and SMEs to distribute food supply by achieving a sales value of around IDR 353 million per year.

Likewise, the livestock sector is managed by PT Berdikari and has the opportunity to cooperate with meat and chicken supply with many SME partners.

"We continue to open up opportunities for synergy with other SMEs/IKMs to continue to strengthen the food supply chain," concluded Adhi.

According to Adhi, the potential for an expansion of the food supply chain synergy is very large and has the opportunity every year, such as for rice commodities of IDR 214 billion, chicken carcasses of IDR 227 billion, salt of IDR 231 billion, fish of IDR 314 billion, seeds of IDR 502 billion, tea of IDR 60 billion, cows of IDR 195 billion, sugar cane which has the potential for SME synergy of up to IDR 1 trillion.

ID Food invites SMEs/IKM players who want to partner, by providing easy access through digitization.

ID Food developed a single application for e-procurement used in Holding and 16 subsidiaries.

With single e-procurement, it will provide easy access for MSMEs to synergize in the upstream ID Food supply chain. Downstream, ID Food also develops the Warung Food application for MSMEs/shopping stores for their store needs, meat outlet applications for MSMEs that are interested in becoming resellers for frozen meat products and processed meat.

In the fishing industry, ID Food develops the Perindo Fisherman application which makes it easy for fishermen to find fish and immediately sell their catch.

Adhi continued the opportunity for a partnership with ID Food Group through farmer cooperation as a producer of sugarcane cultivation and sugar cane producers to cooperatives, cane fertilizer retailers, mechanism services and maintenance of transport slash services, to ID Food group products such as grain or rice, chicken carcasses, salt, sugar, beef, Fish, tea.