RMKE Yakin Will Sell Coal 5 Million Tons In 2026

President Director of RMKE, Tony Saputra believes RMKE will be able to sell 5 million metric tons of coal by 2026 and a volume of coal transportation services of 20 million tons.

"Our target is 2026 volume of services reaches 20 million tons and sales reach 5 million tons," he said at a press conference in Jakarta quoted on Saturday, November 26.

He believes that because coal sales in 2022 reach 2.26 million tons and coal transport services reach 7.82 million tons. Every year, he continued, his party increased the target periodically. In 2023, RMKE targets sales of 2 million metric tons, 2024 of 3 million tons, 2025 4 million tons and 2026 of 5 million tons.

Tony added that this belief is also based on RMKE which has an in-house coal mine of PT Truba Bara Banyu Enim, a loading station of Mount Megang, and a Container STAFF (CY) 3B Simpang Station. The three facilities are strong operational complements to RMK Energy as a Group.

"In the future, the Company will continue to develop its business by building a hauling road that is integrated with the train line and opening up collaboration opportunities in the energy sector," he continued.

Regarding the construction of the hauling road, RMKE Finance Director Vincent Saputra said the construction of this road would facilitate the transportation of coal from mines in Lahat and Muara Enim.

He detailed that the first road to be built will stretch along 32 kilometers (km) to Muara Enim and is projected to start operating in the first quarter of 2023.

Meanwhile, the second road will be built along 40 to 50 km to Lahat.

Vincent revealed, for the construction of these two roads, RMKE has prepared a capex of IDR 350 billion which was obtained from a profit the previous year.

"And in 2023 our capex is IDR 350 billion. Until September 2022, our net profit has reached 290 billion, of which this year's target is IDR 370 billion," added Vincent.

The potential reserves for coal in the two regions reached 80 to 100 tons of the annual demand for RMKE which was only 7 to 8 tons. Just so you know, until September 2022, the volume of coal sales has reached 1.62 million tons or has reached 71.78 percent of the target this year.

Not only that, this year the company is targeting operating income of IDR 2.5 trillion and operating profit of IDR 375.40 billion.