Indonesia Winner Trip Proposed To Be Operator Number One In Labuan Bajo By TripAdvisor

JAKARTA - Indonesia Winner Trip won the award as the best tour operator in Labuan Bajo according to Travelers' 2022 TripAdvisor. The largest tourism platform recently released a list of the best tour operators in a number of world-class tourist attractions.

The founder of Indonesia Juara Trip, Agung Afif, said that the awards from TripAdvisor are the fruit of working for 7 years in carrying out tours in Indonesia. The main vision is to help advance Indonesian tourism so that they are known in their own country and abroad.

"Indonesia Juara Trip has also been named the number 1 operator tour in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on the world's largest tourism platform, TripAdvisor," said Agung Afif, Friday, November 25.

What makes Indonesia Champion Trip different from other touring operators, according to Agung, is to run live tours in the field with trusted local human resources. They have been trained in serving tourists according to the company's SOP.

"Tourists will slowly forget what we said, but they will always remember how happy it is when we serve them with our hearts," said Agung Afif.

The ease of access between tourist destinations in one area is prepared and run by the Indonesian Juara Trip team. This is done to provide a good domino effect in building the economy of tourist areas.

As in the documentary video entitled Sumba Warrior which was released on the Indonesia Juara Trip Youtube channel, Adi R, Adi M, and Faisal, which are local guides for Indonesia Winner Trip in Sumba. They have felt social impact in their area, ranging from the economy to their enthusiasm to continue to advance their home area to be known by the world.

"Not only that, a number of national and international celebrity families have become permanent subscriptions for Indonesia Juara Trip," said Agung.

Some of these celebrities include Raffi Ahmad & Nagita Slavina, Baim Wong, Wulan Guritno, Nirina Zubir, and others. The review given by these artists is also positive, can be seen on the Indonesia Winner Trip website.

In addition, the trust of tourists in Indonesia-Juara cannot be separated from Agung Afif's cold hands. He is known for his very high passion in the world of Indonesian tourism. Having travel experience to various countries in the world.

This can be seen from his Instagram account @gungafif. He also believes that Indonesia is the most beautiful country in the world.

"And really, it is evident from the ranking achieved by Indonesia as the most beautiful country in the world that Forbes distributed on its news page on February 22, 2022," explained Agung.

He believes that in the not too distant future, the Tourism sector will continue to grow. So that it can become a multiplier effect on the local community's economy. In addition, reducing poverty in areas that actually have strong tourism potential but are not yet popular.

"Especially in Eastern Indonesia by preparing tour packages and the easiest access to these tourist destinations," concluded Agung.