With Regard To Mint Leaves And Their Benefits For Body Health

JAKARTA - Who doesn't know mint leaves? Small leaves with a million benefits are easy to find anywhere. Soaps, toothpaste, perfume, and food are just a few examples of the use of mints in everyday life.

Daun mint (latin: mentha) adalah daun saya dari keluarga Lamiaceae. Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh di cuaca hangat di bawah matahari. Rasanya yang segar, sweet dan dingin adalah khas mint yang membuatnya digemari masyarakat.

Not only has its daily life to be useful, but mint also has various benefits for body health as reported by Healthline, Friday, February 25, below:

Although usually not consumed in large quantities, mints do contain quite a lot of nutrients. In fact, less than 1/3 cup or half an ounce (14 grams) spearmint contains 6 calories, 1 gram fiber, 12 percent vitamin A, 9 percent iron, 8 percent manganese, 4 percent folate.

In addition, mint is also a good source of vitamin A, so it is important for eye health and prevents dusk. mint leaves are a strong source of antioxidants, when compared to other spices and spices. Antioxidants help protect your body from oxidative stress, a type of cell damage caused by free radicals.

digestive problems such as stomach pain, diarrhea, and bloating can be overcome with mint leaves. Research reveals that the consumption of peppermint oil as an herbal medicine overcomes digestive problems. Pempermint oil contains menthol compounds, which are thought to help relieve symptoms of digestive problems by providing relaxation effects in the digestive tract muscles.

In addition to consuming mint leaves, research has shown that inhaling the aroma of atsiri oil from this plant can provide health benefits, including improving brain function. One study involving 144 adults showed that kissing the smell of peppermint oil for five minutes before testing resulted in a significant memory increase. Another study found that kissing this oil while driving increases vigilance and lowers stress, anxiety, and fatigue levels.

Lecet on a common nipples is experienced by breastfeeding mothers. This can make the process of loving feels difficult and sick. Research has shown that applying mint oil to the skin can help relieve pain associated with breastfeeding.

Many people believe menthol is a nose dekongestant that effectively removes nasal congestion and increases air and breathing flow. However, some studies have shown that menthol does not have a decongestant function.

Even so, research also shows that menthol subjectively can increase the breathing of the nose when experiencing the flu. This means that even though mint doesn't function as a decongestant, mint can make the breathing of the nose easier.