Denying The Room Of The Intelligence Agency At The National Police Headquarters, Kabaintelkam: UPS Battery Short Circuit, No Fire
Head of the National Police's Intelligence and Security Agency (Kabaintelkam) Komjen Ahmad Dofiri denied that one of the rooms of the National Police Intelligence and Security Agency at the Jakarta Police Headquarters caught fire on Thursday, November 24 night.
According to him, the only incident was the uninterruptible power supply or UPS which was short when it was about to be moved.
"It is not true (the fire, ed) was correct during the process of transferring the UPS battery there was a short circuit," said Dofiri when confirmed, Friday, November 25.
The short circuit sourced from the UPS battery did not cause a fire. Only smoke billowing and that too can be overcome.
"Had emitted smoke. But there was no fire that spread and could be overcome," said Dofiri.
Separately, Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, said that no items were burned as a result of a short circuit in the room of the Inteiljen and Security Agency (Baintelkam) of the National Police Headquarters.
"No other items were burned," said Ramadhan.
Previously, it was reported that a fire broke out in the area of the Bareskrim Polri building, South Jakarta. The fire was lit again even though it was extinguished.
"Yes, that's right (the building caught fire again, ed)," said the South Jakarta firefighter call center officer, Indra when contacted, Thursday, November 24.
Based on reports, the fire broke out again at around 22.15 WIB. In fact, previously the fire had been extinguished at around 20.00 WIB
Previously, the blackout was said to only use a light fire extinguisher or fire extinguisher.
The object that caught fire was still the same, namely one of the rooms in the building of the Police Intelligence and Security Agency.
"Yes, the information is the same. So maybe there is still rehabilitation like a building," said Indra.