Limit Time If Other Parties Want To Meeting, KIB Is Considered To Have Trust In The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah assesses that the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) is confident in facing the 2024 presidential election.

This was said by Kurnia in response to the statement by the General Chairperson (Ketum) of Golkar Airlangga Hartarto who said that whether or not other parties were close to KIB, the coalition consisting of Golkar, PAN and PPP would soon announce the 2024 presidential candidate.

"With the existing composition, KIB should be quite confident, so Airlangga's statement strengthens the position of KIB. Other parties are not easy to enter KIB if they do not have criteria, as well as KIB has full control over new members," said Dedi, Friday, November 25.

In addition, Dedi considered Airlangga's statement of confidence to be carried by KIB. Therefore, he felt there was no need to try to find additional coalition partners. "This statement can also be a sign that Airlangga has the confidence to continue. That's why he is no longer full of efforts to add partners," he said.

Dedi saw that Airlangga's confidence was one of them based on his closeness to President Joko Widodo. On the other hand, KIB has also met the presidential nomination threshold.

"Airlangga has a special close relationship with President Jokowi. So he feels that the combination of KIB and President Jokowi, is more than enough to carry Airlangga-Ganjar," he said., "Because the purpose of the election is to bring a stable government. A stable government must be a coalition, so Golkar from the beginning formed a coalition first," said Airlangga during a conversation in the BTV television program, Wednesday, November 23.

Therefore, Airlangga opens opportunities for parties interested in joining KIB. He said that currently KIB is still in the stage of expanding the base of the party so that it has not spoken far about the 2024 presidential candidate. If it has been decided, then the opportunity for other parties to close to KIB is closed. We are still open, other parties enter, but there is time. Soon the ship will depart. So if those who don't get on, we will immediately be continued, next session, we can't be in this session," he said.

"Because we want to expand the party's base. So if the party base we expand it will leave no one behind. If we have decided, the others will only be followers," continued Airlangga.