Kemenperin Adopsi Sistem Jerman Untuk Pettik Pekerja Yang Kompeten

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry has adopted an in-company training system that has been implemented by Germany in Indonesia to produce master trainers for competent workplace trainers.

In the in-company training, workers are trained by professional coaches in accordance with German Workplace Coach Feasibility Regulations (AEVO).

"The benefit of this system is that companies can print and obtain competent experts who really meet the demands and needs of the company, so that they can save on costs, time, and energy in the recruitment process," said Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) Arus Gunawan in his statement in Jakarta, quoted Monday, November 21.

According to Arus, the Ministry of Industry's BPSDMI is actively involved in the preparation of the National Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education and Training as a derivative of Presidential Regulation Number 68 of 2022, which includes the provision of workplace coaches as one of the main aspects of education and vocational training.

"The need for workplace coaches is projected to be higher. Moreover, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadinda) in all provinces of Indonesia can provide in-company trainer training services," he explained.

To support the provision of workplace coaches in Indonesia, the BPSMI of the Ministry of Industry has held master trainer training aimed at training and producing workplace coaches in Indonesia.

"This program is in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the IHK Trier Partnership Program (Germany), GIZ-TSR (Germany), and the Swiss Contact S4C (Switzerland) Program," said Arus.

The training was attended by 16 participants who graduated from the best Ausbildung der Ausbilder International Basic (AdAIB) training from various regions, and the results of the filtering went through a fairly strict selection process.

"For five days, the participants are trained by Senior Masters, and at the end of the training a test will be carried out," explained Head of the BPSDMI Ministry of Industry's Industrial Vocational Education Development Center (PPPVI), Restu Yuni Widayati.

According to Restu, the requirement to become a workplace Coach through the program is for permanent, healthy workers, to have technical competence and training methodology. In addition, the manager is appointed and understands the regulations of the struggle.

"The workplace coach is also in charge of selecting prospectivegangers, preparing plans for the workflow of theganger, to implementing vocational training materials in the company so that the quality of theganger is as expected," he explained.

After participating in this activity, participants will get an assignment as instructors in the training of workplace coaches in Indonesia.

"Therefore, it is hoped that the participants can prepare themselves and continue to strengthen cooperation networks and support each other. This is because Master Trainers are part of the Industrial Vocational Education ecosystem," he added.