Recommendations For Jamu Pelangcar Haid, Help Overcoming Pain And Kram

YOGYAKARTA - Women who have menstruation or menstruation will experience some discomfort in the body. Some complaints that arise, such as cramps, blood is not smooth, to a dysmenore. There are several ways that can be done to facilitate menstruation. One of them is by consuming herbal medicine.

Jamu pelancar menstrual can be consumed before or after menstruation. The medicine is made from natural ingredients that are easy to obtain. You can also make it yourself at home by taking into account recipes and side effects.

There are several herbal medicines that have the efficacy of carrying out menstruation. The following are recommendations for menstrual jamu which can be consumed by women.

Cinnamon has various benefits for the health of the body. One of them is that it can relieve pain during menstruation. Research from the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal states that consuming cinnamon during menstruation can reduce pain, treat menstrual bleeding, to prevent nausea and vomiting.

The study says cinnamon is safe and effective in overcoming dysmenores in young women. When consuming cinnamon, the amount of blood that comes out is not too much.

You can make your own cinnamon herbal medicine that is efficacious in smoothing menstruation. Here are the steps..

Jamu pelancar menstrual can also be made from ginger ingredients. Ginger is a traditional medicine that is effective in overcoming various health problems. One of the benefits of ginger is to help reduce stomach cramps during menstruation.

Ginger has a content that can fight trade or inflammation. In addition to reducing cramps, ginger also plays a role in reducing nausea during menstruation.

Here are the steps to mix herbal medicine from ginger to smooth the menstrual period:

Other emponents that can be used as menstrual jamu are turmeric. Kunyit has a content that can stimulate or increase menstrual blood flow. In addition, turmeric is also useful for loosening muscles and preventing uterine contraction that causes pain.

A study says that turmeric helps the treatment process of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) such as mefenamant acid (Ponstel). The content in turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties so that it can relieve cramps.

Jamu dari kunyit untuk melancarkan persumbuhan dapat dibuat dengan langkah-langkah berikut:

Jamu pelancar menstrual can also be made from papaya leaves. A study from the Belitung Nursing Journal states that papaya leaf extract can reduce the severity of menstrual pain and the hormone prostaglandin in primary dysmenore.

Here are the steps to make herbal medicine from papaya leaves to smooth the menstrual period:

Another ingredient that can be processed into menstrual jamu is apple juice vinegar. This material can induce menstruation in women. The content in apple juice vinegar plays a role in reducing inflammation or inflammation during menstruation. In addition, the consumption of this material can also make menstrual cycles regular for people with polycytic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Apple juice can be drunk directly by women to carry out menstruation. If the taste is too sharp or thick, it can be added with water to make it more dilute. You can also add one tablespoon of honey to make it sweeter.

Those are some recommendations for pelancar hadi for women. These medicines are easy to find and can even be made at home according to recipes and needs.

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