Jordi Amat's Feelings And Determination After Officially Becoming An Indonesian Citizen

JAKARTA - Jordi Amat expressed his relief and joy after undergoing the oath-taking process of Indonesian citizens (WNI). Jordi also thanked him for the process of becoming an Indonesian citizen running smoothly.

"This is an extraordinary day. I want to thank the chairman of PSSI, as well as the Indonesian government. I cannot describe my current feelings, but I am very happy," he said, quoted from PSSI's official website, Thursday, November 17.

The process of taking the oath of Indonesian citizens Jordi Amat and Sandy Walsh was held at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) on Jalan MT Haryono, Cawang.

Jordi Amat and Sandy Walsh appeared in a suit complete with a black cap.

In the process of taking the oath of Indonesian citizens, Sandy and Jordy underwent two main processes, namely the oath of oath which was followed by the signing of the file.

"After becoming an Indonesian citizen, Jordi Amat promised to give his best for Indonesia. Thank you very much. I promise to give everything for this country, for our country," said Jordi.

The harvest of the Indonesian citizen Jordi Amat today opens the opportunity for him to become a player chosen by the national team coach, Shin Tae-yong to enter the 2022 AFF Cup squad.

This is because the player registration process is still open until November 20. It is hoped that Jordi will be able to increase the strength of the Garuda Team in the tournament which will start on December 20, 2022, until January 16, 2023.