Amid Many Concerns, President Jokow Calls The G20 Agreeing With The Declaration Of Termination Of War In Ukraine

BALI President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that Indonesia's leadership had succeeded in producing a declaration of the G20 leader. According to him, the G20 Bali Leaders Declaration, which was initially questioned by many parties, could eventually be generated through a fairly tough process.
"This declaration consists of 52 paragraphs, and a highly debated paragraph is the confinement of the war in Ukraine," he said in Nusa Dua, Bali on Wednesday, November 16.
The President explained that the discussion took a long time and was colored by a tug of interest.
"But in the end the G20 leaders agreed that the contents of the declaration, namely that the war in Ukraine must end because it has violated territorial borders, violating regional integrity," he said.
The Head of State added that the war had resulted in the suffering of the people and made the global economy more fragile due to the pandemic.
Ini yang menimbulkan risiko terhadap krisis pangan, energi, dan potensi krisis finansial. Oleh karena itu G20 membahas dampak perangan terhadap kondisi perekonomian global, katanya.