Suntik KB 3 Months Effect: If Not Suitable, Don't Be Forced Instead Of Diversing!

YOGYAKARTA - There are various variations in contraceptives that can be applied to stem the occurrence of fertilization in the uterus to cause pregnancy. Apart from condoms, birth control pills, spirals or IUDs, there are also known to be contraceptive injections. Then what is the effect of the 3-month injection kb?

According to sources, contraceptive injections or more familiarly called KB injections in Indonesia, are injections that contain hormones. Some contain only progestins, or progestins and estrogens in one ampoule.

There are two types of KB injections used in Indonesia. You can need one injection every month, or there is also a 3-month injection KB. Just like usual contraceptives, injection KB also has side effects. Not only KB injections for 1 month, the effect of KB injections for 3 months is sometimes unavoidable.

Knowing more about KB injections for 3 months, this method uses a single hormone containing DMPA or hydrocyprgesterine acetate 150 mg. Hormones in KB injections are progestins that are certainly safe to implement during breastfeeding. This 3-month injection family will not affect breast milk production.

Haid irregular

It could be that you will experience heavier menstruation, shorter times, or lighter ones and can even stop at all.

Weight gain

The drug injected in KB has the effect of stemming the liquid in the cell, thus making the weight increase.

Physical effects

For some mothers, the effect of KB injection for 3 months or 1 month can cause headaches. Not only that, sometimes there are also those who enjoy breast pain such as when entering menstruation.

It took 1 year until fertility returned to normal

So, KB injections of 3 months or 1 month are not suitable for mothers who want to have more babies in the near future.

Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections

That way, therefore, it is still necessary to apply condoms if you are afraid of sexually transmitted diseases. But if Bundan and father are a loyal couple, the possibility will really be small in contracting this infection.

Not only some of the injection KB effects mentioned above, this method can also have an effect on health because of the hormone estrogen that is injected into the body. These hormones can cause egg cancer, breast, or uterus.

And keep in mind, not all women can use this injection KB. If Mother is over 35 years old and risks osteoporosis, it is not recommended to use a 3-month or 1-month injection KB.

Excess KB Suntik

In addition to side effects, of course, there are benefits obtained from the selection of injection KB implementation, including if Mother chooses a 3-month injection KB. Informed from the NHS website, here are some of the advantages of KB injections that Bunda can find:

So after knowing the effects of a 3-month injection kb, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!