Amazon Immediately Join Online Health Services In 32 Countries, Is Indonesia Including?

JAKARTA - Inc on Tuesday 15 November launched Amazon's clinic, a virtual platform where users can connect with healthcare providers to help treat common diseases such as allergies and other skin conditions.

Amazon has been trying for years to expand its presence in health care. They bought PilllPack, an online pharmaceutical in 2018, and supported the delivery of recipes and price comparison sites that were later launched as Amazon Pharmacy, allowing users to buy free drugs through membership on Amazon Prime.

Amazon says its new services will operate in 32 states. However, it is not yet known which countries will be visited by this service. Amazon says in each country later, customers seeking treatment will be connected to healthcare providers.

The services do not include health insurance and prices will vary depending on providers, said a source at Amazon quoted by Reuters.

Online retailers first made a virtual care visit to their own staff in Seattle in 2019 before offering services to other employers under the Amazon Care brand, which now plans to close later this year.

The company is also waiting to close a $3.49 billion deal to buy One Medical, as it seeks to expand its virtual health care presence and add a doctor's office for the first time.

If Amazon and its health applications are present in Indonesia, in the future it could be an AI Care, one of the leading health services in the country.