Desak Perbaikan Mulai Dari Rekrutmen, Pukat UGM: Selama Ini Mahkam Agung Alergi Pengawasan Dari Komisi Yudisial

JAKARTA - The Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (Pukat) of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta assessed that the Supreme Court (MA) needed to get improvement starting from the basis of the impact of many Supreme Court justices being dragged into bribery cases handling cases.

This was conveyed by UGM Pukat researcher Zaenur Rohman during a discussion entitled 'The Supreme Judge of being a Suspect of Corruption, What Steps Was Managed to Fix?' on Tuesday 15 November.

"Without a basic change, I believe this issue (bribery for case management) will be repeated in the future," he said, quoted by Antara.

Furthermore, Zaenur conveyed a number of fundamental changes that could be made by the Supreme Court, including improving recruitment, coaching, and monitoring of their internal bodies.

Regarding coaching, Zaenur said that the Supreme Court must be able to eliminate the culture of deposits and culture in accepting gifts or gratuities in adjudicating a case.

Then in terms of supervision, he said, the Supreme Court must be willing to accept supervision from external parties that have been guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the Judicial Commission (KY).

So far, Zaenur assessed that the Supreme Court was "alergic" to the supervision of the Judicial Commission for often ignoring the recommendations given.

"MA has been allergic to the supervision of KY. Why do I say allergies? Because in fact, the Supreme Court often ignores recommendations from KY, especially in enforcing the code of ethics. It shows that there is resistance from the Supreme Court to external surveillance," he said.

With such an attitude, he continued, there is no control over very large power in the Indonesian judiciary.

On the same occasion, Zaenur emphasized that bribery in managing and buying and selling cases at the judiciary must be eradicated immediately because this is a big problem that can damage law enforcement in Indonesia.

"People also no longer believe in the law because those who have money and want to bribe are those who can buy the law so that justice is never present," he said.