Open The Second Session Of The G20 Summit, Jokowi Lifts World Health Issues

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) opened the second session of the G20 Summit on the first day by raising the world health issue after previously being set up for lunch.

In his introductory speech, Jokowi revealed that the condition of goingbal is now increasingly showing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We must not be careless from the next health emergency that can appear at any time," he said in Nusa Dua, Bali on Tuesday, November 15.

According to the Head of State, all nations in the world must be better prepared to face various possibilities in uncertain situations.

"Preparedness will save our lives and economy," he said.

For this reason, the President wants the G20 to be the initiator in taking concrete steps that are immediate.

First, the global health architecture must be strengthened. We need a stronger WHO. Solidarity and justice must be the spirit of the global health architecture," he said.

Therefore, he appreciates the realization of the formation of a pandemic fund during this year's G20 Indonesia Presidency.

Even so, Jokowi wants this pandemic fund structure to be strengthened through the support of member state funds so that it can function optimally.

"I invite all parties to contribute. Indonesia has made a commitment of 50 million dollars. The G20 must also oversee the process of forming a Pandemic Treaty in order to establish preparedness at the national, regional and global levels," he explained.

Second, developing countries must be empowered as part of a solution to overcome challenges and the gap in health capacity cannot be tolerated.

Developing countries need empowering partnerships. Developing countries must become a chain of global health supply, including manufacturing and research centers. This can only happen if investment in the health industry is increased. Research and technology transfer cooperation is strengthened as well as access to raw materials is expanded," he said.

"The world must not repeat the mistakes of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a valuable lesson to prepare a world health emergency. Never again, this must be our common concern. I look forward to the views of the noble to strengthen the world's health architecture," concluded President Jokowi.