Keterangan Jakarta Metropolitan Tollroad: Flood Jalan Tol Jakarta-Merak Akibat Luapan Sungai Sabi, Tangerang

JAKARTA - The Marketing and Communication Department Head of Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad, Irra Susiyanti stated that the flood that inundated the Jakarta-Merak Kilometer (KM) 24 Toll Road on Sunday (13/11) afternoon was suspected to be due to the overflow of the Sabi Tangerang River which was unable to withstand the water discharge.

"This is the impact of the high rainfall and the overflow of the Sabi River, causing several areas in the Tangerang area and its surroundings to be flooded," said Irra when confirmed by Antara in Tangerang, Sunday.

He said that due to the overflow of water from the flow of the Sabi River, the traffic flow on the Jakarta-Merak toll road, precisely at KM 24 towards Bitung, Tangerang, was congested.

"For the time being, the opposite direction is that from (Tomang) all lanes can be crossed by vehicles," he said.

According to him, the water level that submerged several sections on the toll road, precisely at KM 24, was up to 20-30 centimeters. This condition made access at the left and middle of the road had stalled and resulted in traffic jams.

"The water level at KM 24 + 000 - 24 + 500 is precisely around 20 centimeters from 15.30 WIB," he said.

However, due to the flood on the toll road, the Metropolitan Tollroad is currently making efforts to deal with it by building a number of embankments to hold the water discharge.

"As a long-term anticipation measure, Jasa Marga will build concrete barriers," he said.