PKB Forecasts The Formable Candidate-Cawapres Pair In February 2023

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PKB DPP Ahmad Iman Sukri estimates that the presidential and vice presidential candidates (candidates) have been matured in February 2023. According to him, PKB continues to encourage the General Chairperson of the PKB DPP Muhaimin Iskandar to participate in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) contestation. ) PKB continues to encourage Muhaimin Iskandar to participate in the 2024 presidential election contestation, and that is in the process of political negotiations. I believe February 2022 has begun to mature (the presidential-vice presidential candidate pair)," said Ahmad Iman at the PKB DPP Office, Jakarta, Saturday, November 12, quoted by Antara. He estimates this because political parties have an interest in pursuing the electoral target of their respective parties in the 2024 election.

According to him, it is very dangerous if political parties do not pass the parliamentary threshold of 4 percent which has been stipulated by Law number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. The presidential and vice presidential candidates have already considered, there is a tailing effect. Not only PKB, but other parties think for the 2024 election if they create a presidential election issue they cannot, it will be dangerous because of the party's vote, he said. Iman said that in the 2024 election, the legislative elections (pileg) and presidential elections (pilpres) were held simultaneously. Therefore, according to him, each party will think about winning the legislative and presidential contestation. If the presidential election wins and then the legislative elections do not win, it becomes not funny," he said.