Infrastructure Development In IKN Will Accelerate The Welfare Of The Nearest Region

The Nusantara State Capital Infrastructure Development Task Force (IKN) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) revealed that infrastructure development in IKN can accelerate welfare in the surrounding area.

The Head of Construction Services for the Implementation Task Force for IKN Infrastructure Development, Ministry of PUPR Trisasongko Widianto, said that the IKN infrastructure project is a very large development project where the need for infrastructure development financing that will be implemented by the Ministry of PUPR in IKN for 2022-2024 reaches approximately IDR 43 trillion.

"With this budget value, IKN infrastructure development will be a new source of growth which will further accelerate economic growth and accelerate welfare in the area around IKN," Trisasongko said in an online seminar, quoted from Antara, Friday, November 11.

This is done through empowering local workers, using domestic products, MSMEs in the surrounding area, and many more economic benefits being felt.

The budget of around Rp43 trillion will be used, among others, for the construction of reservoirs and flood control, roads, toll roads, national axes, housing for IKN infrastructure workers and other IKN basic infrastructure development.

The new capital city has a central function and has become a symbol of national identity to realize the identity of the nation and state, and a picture of the future of the Indonesian nation.

"The transfer of the nation's capital to Kalimantan is in line with efforts to realize more inclusive and equitable economic growth, one of which is by building a new center of economic gravity in the midst of Indonesia," said Trisasongko.

Previously, the PUPR Ministry prepared a resident of Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, as a prospective worker or laborer for the new Indonesian State Capital (IKN) development project named Nusantara by providing construction training.

The training for prospective workers for the construction of the IKN Nusantara construction project, which was attended by 100 residents of Sepaku District, is the second training organized by the Ministry of PUPR,

Meanwhile, the training for prospective workers for the construction of the new Indonesian IKN construction project which will be carried out from mid-August to early September 2022 was attended by 200 participants who are also residents of Sepaku District.