Jambi Residents Need To Know, The Status Of The Langka And Protected Belida Fish Can't Be Selled

JAMBI - The Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Management (BPSPL) Padang Wilker Jambi Services appealed to the public not to catch and sell Jambi fish that fall into rare and protected categories such as belida and arowana.The Acting Head of BPSPL Padang, Rahmat Irfansyah, said that the protected animals were included in the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 1 of 2021 concerning protected types of fish. So that belida and arowana fish cannot be caught and traded freely."As a rule, people are not allowed to sell belida fish and arowana caught from nature, they must first cultivate them if they want to carry out commercial activities such as buying and selling," he said in Jambi, Antara, Thursday, November 10.To take advantage of the types of fish that have been categorized as protected, for example, to cultivate, the community must obtain permission, especially through a Fish Type Utilization Permit (SIPPI) from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries whose process can be accompanied by BPSPL Padang Wilker Jambi Service."Later we will carry out field verification before the permit is given, in this verification we will conduct an examination of the origins of the fish as well as other supporting data and information, whether it is appropriate or not," said Rahmad Irfansyah.He also said that the cultivation of belida fish is difficult because of the characteristics of belida fish where the number of eggs is small and requires extra care. Meanwhile, in Jambi, ornamental fish cultivation has been recorded and is currently arowana fish breeding developer.The Padang Wilker Jambi BPSPL itself has also collected data on the existence of belida fish which are already rare. During data collection in three regencies, namely Muaro Jambi, Batanghari and Tebo, the BPSPL Team had difficulty getting belida fish."We continue to routinely disseminate information to the public so as not to catch and buy fish in this protected category." said Rahmad Irfansyah.