Because Of The Strike At The Center Of The Crossing Gate, Angkot M16 Pasar Minggu - Kampung Melayu Dihantam Kereta

JAKARTA Because of a strike in the middle of the railroad crossing, the M16 angkot car on the Pasar Minggu route Kampung Melayu was hit by a train. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Pasar Minggu Police, AKP Sofyan Suri, said that the incident on Wednesday, November 9, at 19.05 WIB started when the angkot car broke down due to a broken tie rod.

Actually, Sofyan said, the angkot driver tried to push his vehicle but because the train distance was getting closer, the driver was forced to leave his angkot to save himself.

"When the M16 angkot was passing in the middle of the railroad, suddenly the right front tie rod broke, causing the angkot to stop on the rail," said Sofyan when confirmed, Wednesday, November 9.

"When the driver wants to push the angkot, the train signal sounds and crosses the train from the direction of Jakarta which causes the public transportation to be hit," he continued.

Sofyan confirmed that there were no casualties. The reason is, at the time of the incident the angkot was not carrying passengers.

"There were no casualties or injuries," he concluded.