10,765 People Defend Layoffs Until Septemper 2022, What Is The Reason For The Employee Layoff Company?

YOGYAKARTA Termination of employment (PHK) is a nightmare for every employee, especially if fired when economic needs increase. Based on the records of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker), there were 10,765 people who were laid off from January to September 2022. So, what is the reason for the layoff company?

LApping is the marriage of employment because of certain things that result in the end of the rights and obligations between workers and companies. Thus, there must be reasons that underlie termination of employment.

The legal basis for layoffs is as follows:

According to the regulation, the reasons for the layoffs of employees include:

According to Article 158 Paragraph (1) of the Manpower Law, companies can lay off layoffs if employees make serious mistakes, such as:

LAYOFFS made due to serious mistakes require the company to have strong evidence before using this excuse.

Companies are allowed to terminate employment if employees cannot carry out their job responsibilities because they are detained by the authorities.

However, when pHKing employees, companies are required to pay employees awards for the service period 1 time added to the change of rights money.

However, if after 6 months the employee is found not guilty, then the company is obliged to re employ the employee.

The next reason for the employee layoff company is because employees commit violations. The types of violations are different, because each company has its own regulations.

When employees commit violations, the company will usually issue a warning letter before pHK.

The majority of employees laid off after the employee received a warning three times (SP3).

Changes in status, mergers, mergers, and changes in ownership can be used as the basis for laid-off employees.

In addition, layoffs can also be done for reasons of efficiency. This can happen when the company requires employee downsizing, because some positions are no longer needed. However, employees who are laid off are required to be compensated.

A company is said to be bankrupt if it suffers heavy losses for two years in a row as evidenced by a report or audit of a public accountant. Bankruptcy can be an excuse to lay off employees.

Termination of employment can also be done if there is a forced majeure, such as natural disasters or bad things that cannot be avoided.

Employees who are laid off because the company goes bankrupt, are entitled to 1 severance pay, 1 service fee, and replacement money.

That's the information regarding the reasons for the employee layoff company. Hopefully it will be useful!